
Is This Email from FeedBlitz Real or Is it Phishing?

Please Note

When you first register as a client with FeedBlitz, we will ask you to verify your email address by clicking on a link in your inbox.

FeedBlitz doesn't spam, and we require all our clients to follow best practices to ensure that that statement is as true as we can possibly make it.

Sometimes, spammers and hackers try to use our good name to get their spam to your inbox. While there are industry standards that we use to help stop faked emails that look like we sent them, sometimes the spammers get very creative.

Spammers often use a trick called spoofing, in which they try to make a spam email look real.

If you are not expecting a verification email, do not click any links

Even when the from address says "feedblitz@mail.feedblitz.com" that doesn't mean it came from FeedBlitz. Do not click.

How can I tell if an email is spoofed or actually from FeedBlitz?

The best way to do that is to see the email's SMTP or Internet headers. 

Finding your SMTP headers can vary. This article shows you how for most common services if yours is not in the article, a Google search of your app or service's name and the phrase How to find SMTP headers should get you the information you need.

A genuine FeedBlitz email will:

  • Have exactly ONE subject line.
  • Show both SPF and DKIM passing.
  • Come from an IP with a reverse lookup in the feedblitz.com domain space.

Here is a free tool for reverse lookups of an IP address.

Spammers sometimes create their emails, including links, using a trial account at FeedBlitz. They save the links created during their trial for later use.

When this happens, you will see some things that, at first, really look like they come from FeedBlitz.

However, these emails are sent from different servers that are probably hacked and do not belong to FeedBlitz.

The headers in these emails hide the clue that the email is not from FeedBlitz. If you are unsure, our support team will be happy to take a look. FeedBlitz does not allow junk lists or spam to be sent from its servers.

Ideally, your email systems like Gmail can weed this out for you. Email headers contain information that tells services like Gmail how to check that our servers actually sent the email.

You can learn a little about email authentication—in tech terms—SPF, DKIM and DMARC here

Sometimes, spammers get creative. We have seen cases where spammers have spliced our good headers beneath their obviously bad ones. Sometimes, that is a good enough fake to fool systems like Gmail. Again, though, genuine emails from FeedBlitz will identify themselves through and through, have only one subject line, and have SPF and DKIM passing; there will be no fails.

I'm still not sure the email I received is fake.

Please let us know at support@feedblitz.com.

We will look into it for you. 

If the email turns out to be abusive and truly sent by a FeedBlitz client, we'll investigate how that happened and correct it—even to the extent of closing badly behaved accounts down.

To summarize: If you are unsure about an email you received, please do not click the link. Please copy the headers and forward the email to support@feedblitz.com.

As always, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to let us know. You can find all of our great support resources and how to get in touch with us via email, chat or phone on our Support Page.

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